Minggu, 19 April 2009

Secret Hair Beautiful Hollywood Celebrities

Having hair that is healthy and beautiful dream of all women. To have beautiful hair and healthy hair should then be treated and maintained properly.
When the hair well it will always look shiny movie stars such as Katie Holmes, Jennifer Aniston and Kate Hudson always appear cool. Kaz Amor, celebrity stylist who is very popular from the Warren Tricomi Salon, Los Angeles, giving tips how to treat the hair with both: 1. The intensity of treatment with the same hair care sensitive skin.
2. Massage scalp gently to stimulate hair growth and make blood flow smoothly in the head. Lancarnya blood flow with the nutrition of the hair treatment can be merged with the good.
3. Comb the hair as often as possible with a brush timber. This will work to stimulate blood flow so that you make the hair shine and look healthy also luminous.
4. Hair also needs a moisturizer or moisturizer. To use it as pelembap light kondisioner and suggested to use the product brand Redken Clear moisturizer because kondisioner this evidently worked very well but light. Use each use Redken shampoo and After-Sun Mask to protect from sun damage.
5. Avoid hair from excessive sunlight. For that use a hat or head cover when the situation is too hot. Use vitamins and use hair mask to improve the condition kerusakannya.
6. To get a super shine hair styling gel, such as use with a little hair serum, and to only use a little hair to be natural.
7. Or can use a spray Foam and use of the nearest strand of hair with the scalp hair, so that volume does not drenched.
Happy trying !

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