Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

Healthcare in the Netherlands

Back in December 2009, I was asked to submit a piece on the Dutch healthcare system to ACCESS Magazine for their Spring publication. About a month ago they posted the issue online (I already had several copies in my hot little hands by then!) and I'm finally getting around to share it with you.

Click here to read the article. (It has come to my attention that this link is really difficult to read. Here's a link to the pdf file for the entire spring issue. If you go to the top where it says "page" and type in 16, it will take you directly to the first page of my two-page article.)

The article is based on research done in 2009, so it may or may not still hold true. If you are interested in knowing more about the healthcare system in the Netherlands and would like a list of resources I used to write the piece, please let me know in an email to

Here is an excerpt from the article:
"In 2009, the Euro Health Consumer Index (EHCI) highlighted The Netherlands as having the best healthcare system in Europe. This marked the second year in a row that The Netherlands received this honour. Results from an International Health Policy Survey of seven different countries (The Netherlands, Germany, Canada, the United States, Great Britain, New Zealand and Australia) by the Commonwealth Fund in 2007 show that those living in The Netherlands have the most positive views of their health system, are the most confident about the care they receive, and are least likely to avoid medical care due to cost issues. It seems as though The Netherlands is the place to be for outstanding healthcare. But what is it about this particular system that makes it worthy of such praise?"
ACCESS Magazine is a free publication that can be ordered via the ACCESS website (you will be charged shipping and handling fees for online orders) or picked up at various locations in Amsterdam and The Hague. ACCESS offers support, workshops, and information to expats in the Netherlands. Please stop by their website to see what they're all about and consider supporting this wonderful organization.

Stay tuned as I have a piece on the Museumkaart due to come out in the Summer issue!

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